FPT President proposes a plan to turn Ha Tinh into a “growth pole” in North Central Coast

The conference called “Announcing the provincial planning for the period of 2021-2030, with a vision to 2050 and promoting investment in Ha Tinh” took place in Ha Tinh city on the morning of May 28. It welcomed the participation of more than 700 delegates, who are leaders of central and local agencies, diplomatic agencies, international organizers; enterprises, domestic and foreign investors… FPT is one of the typical investors invited to participate in sharing and giving ideas.

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Mr. Vuong Dinh Hue – President of Congress made a directive speech at the Conference.

The event aims to provide basic information on the development planning orientation of industries and fields, introduce and promote the potentials, advantages, investment incentive policies, investment projects of Ha Tinh for domestic and foreign investors.

Special importantly, the event greeted Mr. Vuong Dinh Hue – Politburo member, Chairman of the National Assembly; Mr. Tran Hong Ha – Member of the Party Central Committee – Deputy Prime Minister; Mr. Bui Van Cuong, Member of the Party Central Committee – General Secretary of the National Assembly, Chairman of the Office of the National Assembly; Mr. Vu Hong Thanh, Member of the Party Central Committee – Chairman of the National Assembly’s Economic Committee…

From the side of FPT Corporation, there were Mr. Truong Gia Binh, Chairman of the Board of Directors; Mr. Nguyen Van Khoa, General Director; Mr. Tran Dang Hoa, Chairman of FPT IS.

Ha Tinh’s desire to change

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Mr. Vo Trong Hai – Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee made a speech at the Conference.

Ha Tinh’s goal is to become one of the developing poles of the North Central and Central Coast regions. It also strives to become a good province by 2030, be listed in top 20 provinces and cities with the highest gross regional domestic product (GRDP) in the country. By 2050, Ha Tinh will be a modern industrial province with comprehensive and sustainable development, becoming a “growth pole” of the North Central region and the whole country.

Mr. Vo Trong Hai – Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the People’s Committee of Ha Tinh province shared at the Conference that, Ha Tinh has achieved exciting achievements in many fields over the years. From a poor province with a low starting point, it has legs in the group of better-off provinces in the region, chosen by the Prime Minister to build up a new rural province. Investment – business environment is increasingly improved; the provincial competitiveness rate continuously increased in rank yearly Currently, Ha Tinh is one of 10 localities attracting the largest foreign investment capital in the country.

“In particular, Ha Tinh has always determined that planning must be one step ahead, an important tool for strategic planning, socio-economic development plans, and efficient allocation and resources use.”, Mr. Vo Trong Hai said.

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Mr. Truong Gia Binh – FPT Corporation President made a speech at the Conference.

As an enterprise leading the digital transformation in Vietnam, FPT Corporation brought to the Conference practical suggestions and contributions to the planning and construction of Ha Tinh and shared aspirations and dreams of turning Ha Tinh into a new growth pole in the North Central region.

At the beginning of the session “Orientation and solutions on digital transformation to realize the Ha Tinh Provincial Plan for the period of 2021-2030, with a vision to 2050″, Mr. Truong Gia Binh – FPT Corporation President used a poem of Nguyen Cong Tru – a poet born in Ha Tinh: Đã mang tiếng ở trong trời đất – Phải có danh gì với núi sông (Having gained a reputation in heaven and earth – What must be known with mountains and rivers). According to Mr. Binh, this hundred-year-old poem is also a question for the Ha Tinh authorities and people: “How do Ha Tinh people have a ‘reputation’ with mountains and rivers?”. And he also emphasized: It is a successful digital transformation. Digital transformation will create significant changes for the province, becoming the key for Ha Tinh to create new breakthroughs.

Firstly, digital transformation is because of poverty and suffering escape together with happiness. Citizens want a better life, a healthy living environment, guaranteed health, better services, high- quality education and job opportunities for their children. Digital transformation will promote Ha Tinh economic development, create a digital society and create transparent and effective government, which are 3 main pillars.

Second, digital transformation is to realize the proposed plan. Vietnam is having the opportunity to penetrate the fundamental industries. Ha Tinh also has to enter those industries. Today is green industry, future is digital knowledge. The development platform in the coming period must be high-tech since machines can do things very quickly that people need a lot of time to complete.

“When being in Estonia, I was impressed by the fact that there is no need to bring identification. That both authorities and citizens have managed the identity papers is my expectation for Ha Tinh.” Mr. Binh emphasized.

At the end of the plan proposal for Ha Tinh in the new period, the President of FPT Corporation said that businesses can accompany and become a reliable and loyal friend to Ha Tinh, in various fields such as human resources, technology and knowledge… With the advantage of Ha Tinh, the capacity of FPT Corporation will play a role in contributing to help the province go faster and farther, bringing the learning spirit and passion for science and technology to the world.

Ha Tinh’s approach to digital education model

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Mr. Nguyen Van Khoa – FPT Corporation General Director appeared at the Conference this morning (28/5).

In the joyful atmosphere of the Conference, Ha Tinh also granted the decision to approve the investment policy for 14 projects with a total registered capital of more than 9,631 billion VND. In the field of education, FPT Corporation received a memorandum to research and invest in an education complex project in Ha Tinh province, with a total registered capital of 500 billion VND.

According to Mr. Nguyen Van Khoa – General Director of FPT Corporation, with the development of science, technology and engineering, Ha Tinh can create a foundation to attract foreign investors in the next 5-10 years. However, if the province does not have qualified labor resources to operate the new technology platform, investors will give up very quickly. In addition, resources must also have competitive costs, otherwise investors will bring in human resources from abroad.

“That’s why FPT places education investment in Ha Tinh. It will take a long time for FPT to invest in an inter-level general education system, a vocational training school and move towards the construction of colleges in Ha Tinh, said the General Director of FPT.

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Mr. Tran Dang Hoa – FPT IS Chairman represented FPT Corporation to receive a memorandum.

FPT plans to design training programs based on local socio-economic resources and benefits of the province. In order not to lose the talented people, students will stay in Ha Tinh and contribute to local development. In addition to educating high-quality human resources, FPT also associates with Ha Tinh in areas such as administrative procedure reform, digital transformation… The corporation is committed to accompanying the province in planning and setting goals and receiving the results periodically.

Previously, FPT Corporation had a meeting in Ha Tinh in March 2023. The corporation proposed that the provincial government have to give more priorities to education, science and technology and digital transformation to take advantage of knowledge resources and young labor. FPT wants the province to create conditions so that the two sides can promote cooperation in the field of training high-quality human resources and promoting digital transformation, give priorities to citizens and businesses, especially small and medium enterprises. During the meeting, provincial leaders also expressed their desire to accompany and provide best conditions for FPT in the process of researching and implementing investment in the locality.

With the support of the Government and leaders of provinces and cities nationwide, FPT has signed cooperation agreements with 28 localities in key fields such as digital transformation, education, and telecommunications… Based on socio-economic characteristics, competitive advantages of each province and technological strengths and digital transformation experiences, FPT creates platforms and solutions to promote digital transformation, contributing to accelerating socio-economic development of the province and national digital transformation.

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