Review the Excellent Imprints from the perspective of the “captains”

After the “FCI Imprints” emulation program was successfully completed with numerous outstanding achievements, the “captains” of the departments shared unforgettable emotions on the sprint racing journey. 

“FCI Imprints” is the emulation program towards the birthday anniversary of FPT Smart Cloud. Departments will register the Imprints related to professional activities, demonstrating their determination to take on new challenges, making efforts to fulfil the objectives and contribute to the development of FPT Smart Cloud. The program recorded the results from 10 departments completing the registered Imprints. The Board of Directors selected 5 out of 10 departments to be awarded the “Excellent Imprint” for their “leng keng” (outstanding) achievements. 

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  1. Cloud Business Center

Cloud Business Center is one of the departments achieving the “Excellent Imprint”, with a milestone of 90 billion in new sales of FPT Cloud services from July 1, 2023 to August 11, 2023. Mr. Bui Minh Tien – Director of Cloud Business Center shared: “The entire Cloud Business Center has paid close attention to reviewing and planning ways to speed up deal closing in order to get the transaction in ahead of registration. To make sure the predetermined objectives are achieved, some important customers will be assigned KPIs.” 

Achieving 90 billion before August 11, 2023 equivalent to the completion of 60% expected sales for this quarter, the FPT Cloud sales team has proved the effectiveness in managing and implementing business strategies. Meanwhile, the motivation for reaching the 166 billion target in the 3rd Quarter is created, which enhances the company’s growth momentum and contribution to creating trust and positive reviews from customers, partners and the market. 

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  1. XPlat Center

XPlat Center – Cloud Technology Division sets the goal to complete the PaaS product before August 13, 2023. With the determination of the whole team, xPlat launched Kafka-as-a-Service to integrate, transmit and coordinate data in distributed systems. In addition, the product has the automatically expanding ability helping the system meet customers’ needs for processing increasingly large amounts of data while maintaining high performance and reliability. Thanks to the outstanding features,  Kafka-as-a-Service establishes a solid foundation for building Data Platform. 

Mr. Le Thanh Hai – Director of Cloud Platform Service Development Center shared the secret to successfully achieving the goal: “The first thing to mention is the right direction and adequate collection of customer requirements. Choosing the suitable personnel with high organizational and professional capacity is an indispensable factor. Additionally, xPlat’s product and devops development processes are gradually improving, which promotes the speed and quality of  Kafka-as-a-Service product growth in particular and all xPlat products in general. Currently, xPlat is attempting to dominate the Cloud PaaS market, all teammates are always working hard to achieve the shared objective.”

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  1. Data Fusion Department

Data Fusion Department – Operation Division has launched a mobile version (version 1) so that Data Fusion products can keep up with market trends. The completed version will help business leaders access and keep track of the company’s financial data rapidly and conveniently in mobile devices without website access. BOD are the first customers of the product, which is being tested at FPT Smart Cloud. 

When the team was recognized as one of the 5 excellent departments, Mr. Vu Quan Chien – the leader of the Data Fusion Department expressed his feelings: “During the working process, I’m very proud that I have felt the team’s responsibility and spirit of accomplishment.”

In the meantime, he also revealed the future plans of the Data Fusion department: “The team’s common objective is to upgrade and add more useful features depending on the developed platform. Hopefully one day soon, the product will be on the top applications popular with Vietnamese users and trusted by many organizations in data management and analysis.”

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  1. Vision Product Center

Vision Product Center successfully accomplishes the goal to launch Know Your Business (KYB) và Know Your Customer (KYM) before August 13, 2023. Mr. Hoang Danh Liem – Director of Vision Product Center shared his emotions: “Very surprised and proud because of our team’s overall achievements. I would like to send my thanks to my team for making the effort to complete the task on schedule.”

In the context that many companies in the Banking/Finance/Transport field are interested in solutions for information management, that Vision Center has launched a new product on schedule helps FPT Smart Cloud quickly expand the potential customer database and develop new cooperation opportunities. 

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  1. Marketing Department

In the context of a highly competitive market, tripling the number of leads through digital channels and reaching 300 leads for FPT Cloud products and services in 29 days is a breakthrough achievement of the Marketing Department. Increasing the number of leas not only proves the effectiveness in marketing strategies, but also opens up enormous chances to convert into actual customers, creating momentum for sales and revenue for FPT Smart Cloud. 

Mr. Ly Viet Thang – Head of Marketing Department of the Sales Division always encourages his members to gain those achievements: “Nothing is impossible. Effort, solidarity and consensus help to achieve the goal. And when the goal is achieved, happiness will appear.”

Through the “FCI Imprints” emulation program, FPT Smart Cloud’s departments not only demonstrate the capacity and spirit of solidarity by conquering the challenging objectives, but also make a contribution in FCI’s “Speedy – Breakthrough – Unlimited” growth.

Huu Ngan

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