FPT Smart Cloud is issued with SOC Report 2 for Service Organization on Organizational and System Control

FPT Smart Cloud, which owns FPT.AI and FPT Cloud, has been granted the Certification of Organizational and System Control SOC 2, meeting the strict requirements of auditing and risk assessment when organizations and enterprises use FPT Smart Cloud’s service during the evaluation cycle of the report.

The aim of SOC 2 report is to satisfy the need for controls at a Service Organization regarding the Security, Availability and Integrity of the systems. Service Organization makes use of them to handle user data together with the security and privacy of information.

Passing many rounds of rigorous evaluation and testing, FPT Smart Cloud has successfully completed and officially been issued with the SOC 2 report – a Certification of Organization and System Control for all company’s services and systems, thanks to two strategic products – FPT.AI and FPT Cloud. Customers using FPT Smart Cloud’s services can be totally assured that all business data is always strictly managed with safety, security, compliance with legal regulations as well as international standards of information security. 

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To achieve this Certification, FPT Smart Cloud had to pass a rigorous assessment and audit process and ensure the compliance with 5 principles of recognized auditors naming: 

  • Safety – The level of the service provider’s data system is protected. 
  • Availability – The system must be available for use operation and use in accordance with  the commitment or agreement. 
  • Processing integrity – The insurance of complete, valid, accurate, timely and authorized data processing. 
  • Confidentiality – The establishment of a list of people or organizations being allowed to access different kinds of information.
  • Privacy – The insurance that the privacy of organizations must adhere to general security principles, including ten rules relating to the collection, management, disclosure and handling of highly sensitive information. 

“Thanks to prestigious international certifications and inspection reports, we can always bring peace of mind to customers, especially those having strict requirements on safety, personal information security and protection. The accomplishment of the Organization and System Control SOC 2 certification is a tribute to FPT Smart Cloud’s unwavering efforts to provide the highest level of customer and partner data security based on international standards.” – Mr. Le Hong Viet, General Director of FPT Smart Cloud affirmed. 

SOC 2 is a set of criteria developed by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA). It includes 5 principles to assess the reliability of customer data management services. The SOC 2 report is crucial for organizational oversight, supplier management initiatives, internal corporate governance and risk management procedures, and monitoring of regulatory compliance. 

The SOC 2 report pays attention to auditing and controlling the financial reporting process, user management, organization management, control of process and services related to security, availability, integrity and confidentiality of the organization.

Previously, FPT Smart Cloud has owned many certificates of Information Security Management System such as PCI DSS, ISO 27001, ISO 27017, ISO 27018, which ensure the criteria about international standard system design to meet SLA 99 .99% and Information Security for Cloud Computing infrastructure as well as the rigorous appraisal process of the Ministry of Information and Communications.

In the coming time, FPT Smart Cloud will continue to focus on researching, improving and upgrading systems and processes, as well as applying advanced security measures according to international standards. Moreover, FCI also helps businesses and customers ensure the continuity in any cases including fire, flood, intrusion, data theft, security hole…

Thao Nguyen

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