FPT Smart Cloud accompanies Vietname Open Infrastructure to organize Meetup #33

The VietOpenInfra Meetup event, organized by the Vietnam Open Infastructure community and FPT Smart Cloud on August 12 in Hanoi, focuses on sharing knowledge and practical experiences from experts through the use of open source platforms.

As a Silver Member of the world OpenInfra organization, FPT Smart Cloud will collaborate with the community to share the profound understanding about open source platforms in Vietnam. The event will hold an appeal for those who are interested in technology. This is an opportunity for attendees to gain more knowledge, experiences and directly discuss with experts. The 33rd VietOpenInfraMeetup will be held at 13:30 – 17:00 on August 12 at FPT Smart Cloud (Address: 10 Pham Van Bach, Cau Giay, Hanoi).


At the event, Mr. Nguyen Khuong Duy – Deputy Director of Cloud Infrastructure Services Development Center (FPT Smart Cloud) is to have interesting sharings about Multi-regions, Multi-zones of Cloud Providers together with practical experiences at the leading technology corporation in Vietnam.

Mr. Tran Cong Khanh – Expert from CyberAgent Corporation has extensive experience in the field of Cloud Native and OSS (open source software). He will make a presentation on PipeCD – Milestones and Achievements on the Road to CNCF Admission. The last speaker is Mr. Trinh Quoc Viet who is not only a Senior DevOps from Vietnam Property Gurus, but also a content creator at viblo.asia. He will transmit useful information about Resource Optimization in Kubernetes.

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FPT Smart Cloud representative in the 30th VietOpenInfra Meetup event

FPT Smart Cloud is the region’s leading provider of technology application solutions with a comprehensive Artificial Intelligence (AI) platform, Cloud and Data services. Meanwhile, Vietnam Open Infrastructure Community is a community that organizes meetup series, connecting and sharing activities on topics related to Open Infrastructure officially recognized by the OpenStack Foundation.

Hai Linh

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